6 Worst Breakfast Food Items

Breakfast pastry

Muffins, doughnuts, bear claws and croissants sure taste good with coffee, but all those refined carbs

are going to cause unwanted weight gain.

Granola Bars

Watch out for the breakfast bars that claim to give you fiber, vitamins and minerals. Check the number

of carbs and sugars on the back of the label most contain the same sugar as a pastry.


Here’s another popular breakfast item that has tons of sugar lurking beneath its surface. Only eat

cereal that has no added sugar and that contains some protein and healthy fat.

Drive-Thru Breakfast Sandwich:

Don’t even think about heading to the drive-thru for a quick breakfast sandwich. Instead, grab a

hard-boiled egg from home to enjoy on your commute.

Sweetened Yogurts:

Yogurts that have fruit or flavour are added can also have a fair amount of added sugars,which can

spike blood sugar levels. Although yoghurt does provide protein, it also provides natural sugar in the

form of lactose.Instead of adding more sugar on top of that with fruity flavour’s, it should be balanced

with other foods to help slow down the absorption of sugar.

Sausage and Eggs


If you’re looking for a low carb breakfast you may go for sausage and eggs but, “the total grams of

saturated fat in this familiar breakfast may raise your risk for heart disease,” says Smithson as

people with diabetes are at a higher risk for heart disease. According to the American Heart

Association, lowering the amount of saturated fat in your diet can help lower your cholesterol

and risk of heart disease.