FITT Fighter
The Fighter element incorporates kickboxing combinations with a standing heavy bag. Kickboxing includes punches and kicks and provides a full body workout where the participant can learn how to exert power with technique. Kickboxing helps develop coordination between the lower body and upper body through rotational patterns, balance, strength, and speed.
The HIIT element is fire, and it incorporates High Intensity Interval Training with bodyweight movements. Participants will perform a movement at their maximal effort for a duration of time and rest for a duration of time. HIIT is effective for burning a high amount of calories, improving oxygen consumption, increasing metabolism, and improving cardiovascular function.

FITT Strength
The Strength element incorporates resistance training with kettlebell movements. Resistance training sends a stronger signal to the body to build muscle and strength. Kettlebell exercises are very effective for developing the posterior chain, grip strength, posture, and dynamic core stability.
The Flow element is water, and is based on quadruped animal locomotion patterns. Through the combination of various body weight disciplines, These flow movements help the participant develop better mobility, flexibility, balance, core stability, and better overall control over their body weight.